3 Ways to Stop Windows 10 Forced Updates - sokoletu

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3 Ways to Stop Windows 10 Forced Updates

3 Ways to Stop Windows 10 Forced Updates

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Windows 10 is an extraordinary working framework, and Microsoft continues improving it by introducing aggregate updates. Updates are a significant piece of your framework, for security and solidness reasons. Nonetheless, the Windows 10 strategy of constrained updates has turned into a subject of contention and one of its least preferred highlights. 

While Microsoft means to make Windows 10 progressively effective by pushing refreshes, constrained updates may have caused issues for clients. That is on the grounds that a portion of the updates are so tremendous (over 4GB) and they download consequently. This can be baffling in the event that you have a restricted information plan. 

To top it all off, Windows 10 will power refreshes each time you attempt to restart or potentially shut down your PC. This can place your PC into an unending booting circle. In this instructional exercise we'll demonstrate to you the three workarounds that will enable you to stop the Windows 10 constrained updates for all time.

1. Mark Your Wi-Fi Connection as Metered

Denoting your Wi-Fi association as metered bars all foundation exercises. Since Windows 10 updates are a nonstop procedure that continues running out of sight, setting your association as metered is the most effortless approach to stop constrained updates. 

It's significant that this choice will just defer the updates. The minute you flip the Metered association catch to "OFF," Windows 10 will begin downloading refreshes naturally. Yet, as long as the metered association catch is set to "ON," Windows 10 will never download any update without your authorization. To set your association as metered, pursue the means beneath.
1. Press Win + I to launch the Settings app.
2. Click the “Network & Internet” option.
3. Under Wireless Network Connection, scroll down and click on the “Advanced Options” link.
4.A page will open with more choices to design your remote systems. Search for the "Metered Association" alternative. As a matter of course, this choice is set to Off. Snap and switch it to On.
That’s it. Now Windows will not download anything in the background.
Note: Setting your Network as metered will influence Bluetooth availability. In the event that you frequently use Bluetooth, this probably won't be the best alternative for you. Additionally, this technique won't work on the off chance that you utilize an Ethernet link to interface your PC to the Web.

2. Disable the Windows Update Service

The Windows Update Administration can recognize, download, and introduce Windows updates and applications. When impaired, it stops the Windows programmed update include. Since the Windows Update administration is another Windows procedure, you can stop it by following these straightforward advances.
1. Press the Win + R keys to open the run command.  Type in services.msc and click OK.
2. From the Services list that appears, locate and click the “Windows Update” option to open it.
3. A Windows Update Properties box will open. In the Startup type (under the "General" tab), and you'll discover the choice to design how you'd need the updates conveyed. As a matter of course, this choice is set to Programmed. You can debilitate it or change it to manual.
4.In conclusion, head over to the "Recuperation" tab, and snap on it. In the "Primary disappointment segment," select "Make no move." This will help avert the Update Administration from restarting and conceivably resetting itself to programmed (default) after it neglects to push refreshes.
5. Click “Apply,” then restart your PC.
Note: if you disable the Windows Update Service, your computer will not be able to download any updates. This will stop all future updates, and the programs will not be able to use the Windows Update Agent (WUA) API.
To re-enable the Windows Update service, repeat the above process but change the startup type to “Automatic.”

3. Stop Automatic Updates by Making Changes in the Group Policy Editor

The Windows 10 Group Policy also has a hidden feature that you can use to disable automatic updates. By tweaking some settings in the Group Policy Editor, you’ll be able to choose how you want the updates delivered. Here’s how to do it:
1. Press the Win + R keys to open the Run command. Type in gpedit.mscand press “OK” to launch the Local Group Policy Editor.
2. Find the Computer configuration option and click on it. Then navigate to the Administrative Templates folder and click to expand it.
3. Under Administrative Templates, select the “Windows Components” folder and click on it.
The system will open a very long list of the Windows components. At the bottom of the list you’ll find the Windows Update folder. Double-click on the folder to expand it.
4. Look for the “Configure Automatic Updates” option in the services list that will open up. Double-click on it to open more Windows Update configuration settings.
5. A new window will open with more options to configure the Windows updates. Select “Enabled,” then scroll down to the available options and select the “Notify for downloads and notify for install” option from the dropdown list.
6. Click the “Apply” button and exit.
Thusly, at whatever point updates are accessible for your PC, Windows will tell you that updates are accessible for downloads, as opposed to downloading and refreshing consequently. You can make a beeline for "Settings - > Windows Update," and download and introduce the updates at your most advantageous time. Windows won't most likely download or introduce refreshes without your authorization. 

To affirm whether the progressions have been affected, dispatch the Settings application and head to "Updates and Security - > Windows Update - > Propelled choices." You should see a "Tell to download" catch that has been turned gray out.
If you don’t see a grayed out “notify to download” button, you may have missed a step or used the wrong settings.

Wrapping Up
The Windows 10 updates are a good thing, as they can help to boost system efficiency and security. But at times, stopping the updates can come in handy, especially when you want to stop a troublesome update from automatically reinstalling.

We hope these workarounds will help you to delay or completely stop Windows 10 forced updates. Feel free to comment and share.

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