How to Connect Two Computers Using a LAN Cable in Windows - sokoletu

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How to Connect Two Computers Using a LAN Cable in Windows

How to Connect Two Computers Using a LAN Cable in Windows

Short Description:

Product Description

Connection and transfer of data is one of the precious employments of a PC. A ton of innovation has emerged from this desperate need. Between PCs, one successful technique is through the utilization of Ethernet links. The inquiries that emerge however this strategy are which link would it be a good idea for me to utilize (the straight or the hybrid link) and how would I do as such?

Choosing Between Straight or Crossover Cables

To realize which links will complete the work, one should initially figure out which gadgets they look to interface; are they gadgets of a similar kind (two PCs for instance) or gadgets of an alternate kind (a PC to a system switch or Ethernet center point, for instance).
At the point when two like frameworks are sharing documents, one yields the information while the different gets it as info. Purposefully crossed wiring in the hybrid link interfaces the transmit signals toward one side to the get signals at the opposite end. This makes hybrid links the more perfect link for Ethernet association between comparative frameworks, similar to two PCs.

How to Connect Two Windows PCs with a LAN Cable

With a crossover cable in hand, the steps are pretty straightforward.
1. Go to “Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change Adapter Settings.”
2. Click on “Change Adapter Settings.” This will reveal different connections. Select the appropriate connection for your LAN. Usually, but not necessarily, the connection will be called Ethernet and have the description network cable unplugged.
Right-click on the connection and select “Properties.” The local area’s connection properties window will appear.
3. Under the network tab select “Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4),” then click on “Properties.”
In the Properties windows set the IP address and subnet covers of the principal PC to: 

IP – 

Subnet Veil – 

Rehash all the above strides for the subsequent PC, and set the IP address and subnet Veil as pursues: 

IP – 

Subnet Cover – 

Note: guarantee that the last estimations of the IP address for the two PCs are extraordinary. 

4. The resulting stage is to relate the crossover connect to the framework ports of the two PCs. The two pieces of the deals connection have all the earmarks of being indistinguishable, so it doesn't have any kind of effect which end you use first. The framework ports look something like the image underneath. (Do observe that for the most part present day 


PCs don't go with a LAN port.)
5. Right-click on “This PC,” and choose “Properties.” Click on “Change settings -> Change.” This reveals the window with the name of the work group. The value for the workgroup name should be the same for both PCs. By default, the workgroup name will be WORKGROUP, but you can change it to any name you like.
6. Right-click on the drive you want to share. Scroll to the “Give access to” option and click “Advanced Sharing.” Under the sharing tab, click the “Advanced Sharing” button.
This reveals the advanced sharing window. Check the “Share this folder” checkbox, and click “Apply -> OK.”
At this stage, you will have successfully connected the two Windows computers to share your drives between them.

Transferring Files

Specific folders or files can now be transferred. To share specific folders or files from Computer A (ADMIN-HP) with Computer B, simply right-click the desired folder or file in Computer A, scroll to the “Give access to” option and click “Specific People.”
Select “Everyone” from the drop-down menu in the file sharing window. Next, click “Add” and click “Share.”
Go to the Network Panel on Computer B, and you will see the name of whatever computer is part of the network. In this case Computer A is ADMIN-HP. Double-click on it, and all files shared will be displayed. At this stage you can use the normal copy and paste to move the desired content.
On account of replicating records from PC B to PC A, play out similar advances, yet this time the means recently performed on PC An are performed on PC B and the other way around. 

Have you set up a little home system utilizing an Ethernet hybrid link? Tell us your thoughts in the remarks area.

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