How to Fix ‘Bad System Config Info’ Error in Windows 10 - sokoletu

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How to Fix ‘Bad System Config Info’ Error in Windows 10

How to Fix ‘Bad System Config Info’ Error in Windows 10

Short Description:

Product Description

Awful System Config Info is a typical bug check mistake on Windows frameworks, caused predominantly by breaking down of framework and vault records or the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) document. Some boot request records in the BCD, or even some more seasoned ones, may struggle with more up to date, stable documents. At the point when this occurs, the mistake also called the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) happens. 

The bug check mistake can likewise be brought about by: 

  • defective equipment 
  • off base framework settings 
  • an awful driver 
  • introducing a significant update 

In any case, most mistake messages will regularly have a portrayal of what the issue might be. The following are some attempted and tried answers for assistance you fix a Bad System Config Info mistake in Windows. 

Check your equipment 

Flawed equipment, similar to RAM or a terrible hard drive, can cause the blunder. The most effortless approach to determine it is by supplanting your hard drive, however make certain to play out a point by point equipment investigation. 

Update drivers 

Contrary or obsolete drivers are a wellspring of a few issues, similar to they may ruin you from utilizing some equipment. The most exceedingly terrible thing awful drivers can do is raise BSoD blunders, for example, the Bad System Config Info. 

To determine this, update your drivers as frequently as conceivable to guarantee every single significant segment have the most recent drivers. 

Confirm that your gadgets all have the most recent and right drivers. 

Visit your gadget producer's site, and download the most recent drivers. (Pick just those perfect with your Windows 10 rendition.) 

Introduce and update the drivers. 

Note: you have to introduce and refresh the same number of drivers as required to fix this issue effectively. 

bcdedit direction 

Frequently the Bad System Config Info blunder can show up when framework setup is erroneous or not designed appropriately. Furthermore, if the memory and processors in the setup document have an inappropriate worth, the blunder will show up too, forestalling access to Windows 10. 

To determine this, trigger Windows 10 to get to the Advanced Startup menu: 

1. Snap Start. 

2. Snap Power.
3. Press and hold Shift, and click Restart.
4. The “Choose an Option” screen will display. Select Troubleshoot.
5. In the Troubleshoot window select “Advanced Options.”
6. In the Advanced Options window select Command Prompt.
7. Your PC will restart and after that show the Command Prompt blue screen. You'll be approached to choose a record to proceed. Press Enter and after that key in your secret word for that account. 

8. Enter the accompanying lines once Command Prompt beginnings: 

bcdedit/deletevalue {default} numproc 

bcdedit/deletevalue {default} truncatememory 

9. Close Command Prompt. 

10. Start Windows 10 once more 

Fix BCD document 

In the event that your BCD document is degenerate or harmed, the Bad System Config Info mistake may show up and deny you access to Safe Mode and Windows 10 through and through. 

To determine this, you need your bootable USB glimmer drive with Windows 10 or establishment DVD. You can likewise utilize the Media Creation Tool in the event that you don't have a bootable USB drive. 

This is what to do straightaway: 

1. Supplement the bootable Windows 10 establishment DVD and boot from it. 

2. Windows 10 arrangement will start. 

3. Snap Next. 

4. Snap "Fix your PC." 

5. Select "Investigate - > Advanced Options - > Command Prompt."
6. Enter the accompanying lines when Command Prompt beginnings. (Press enter after each line to execute it.) 




7. Close Command Prompt. 

8. Restart your PC. 

Note: the last order you enter will erase and afterward reproduce Master Boot Records. Be cautious utilizing it. 

Fix the Registry 

There are explicit vault issues that can raise the blunder, yet you can fix the library to determine it by following these means: 

1. Boot from the Windows 10 establishment DVD. 

2. Select "Investigate - > Advanced Options - > Command Prompt." 

3. Enter the accompanying lines when Command Prompt beginnings. (Press enter after each line to execute it.) 

Disc C:\Windows\System32\config 

ren C:\Windows\System32\config\DEFAULT DEFAULT.old 

ren C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM SAM.old 

ren C:\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY SECURITY.old 

ren C:\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE SOFTWARE.old 

ren C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM SYSTEM.old 

Note: the organizers of every one of these directions are renamed as you press Enter, and once this is done, Windows 10 won't utilize them once more. They can be erased, however you're in an ideal situation renaming in the event that you have to do a framework reestablish a lot later. 

4. Next, enter the lines beneath into Command Prompt: 

duplicate C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\DEFAULT C:\Windows\System32\config\ 

duplicate C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\SAM C:\Windows\System32\config\ 

duplicate C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\SECURITY C:\Windows\System32\config\ 

duplicate C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\SYSTEM C:\Windows\System32\config\ 

duplicate C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\SOFTWARE C:\Windows\System32\config\ 

This procedure duplicates the vault's reinforcement and replaces old records. Close Command Prompt and restart your PC. 

Framework Restore 

On the off chance that different strategies don't help, this might be one of your last two answers for attempt: 

1. Snap Start. 

2. Snap Power.
3. Press and hold Shift and click Restart.
4. Select “Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options -> System Restore.”
5. Pick your username. 

6. Pursue the on-screen prompts. 

7. Select the reestablish point you need. 

8. Snap Next and trust that the procedure will finish. 

Reset Windows 10 

This is the last answer for attempt if none of the others worked. Before resetting, make a reinforcement in light of the fact that once you reset Windows, all records will be erased from the C parcel. 

1. Snap Start. 

2. Snap Power. 

3. Press and hold Shift and snap Restart. 

4. Select "Investigate - > Reset this PC."
5. Select "Evacuate everything - > Only the drive where Windows is introduced - > Just expel my documents." 

6. Snap Reset and hang tight for it to finish the procedure. You'll have a crisp Windows 10 establishment once this is finished. 

The reset should fix the issue on the off chance that it was identified with your PC's product. 

Is it accurate to say that you were ready to fix the Bad System Config Info mistake utilizing any of these arrangements? Let us know underneath.

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